The Finnish National Roadmap is the basis for a long-term plan that aims to establish research infrastructures in Finland as a foundation for excellent research and to internationally position Finland in a coordinated manner in 5G, beyond 5G and 6G research. In parallel, this Roadmap responds to the ex-ante conditionality for the allocation of EU Structural and Investment Funds for the period 2014-2020. Finland is also the first country in the world to launch large national 6G programme, the 6G Flagship, operated by University of Oulu and already having more than one hundred collaborating companies.
The National Roadmap emphasizes the need to build on the existing strengths and potential of the Finnish research ecosystem around national strategic priorities that enhance its synergies with the global research and innovation ecosystem and contribute to the implementation of the ESFRI roadmap.
The National Roadmap will not only provide strategic advice, signaling priorities for research infrastructures which are essential to support and enhance the robustness and innovativeness of the Finnish R&D system, but will also designate long-term engagements in global and European RI initiatives. The Finnish principal organisation of the National Roadmap is University of Oulu, with the participating infrastructure 5GTN. The Finnish node in ESFRI is also headed by University of Oulu and in the national roadmap the collaborative action is named FUWIRI (Future Wireless Research Infrastructure) and the collaborating partners are Aalto University, Tampere University and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.