Virtual workshop on March 3-4 2021
Next Generation ICT Research Infrastructures
ICT Infrastructures and the future Internet including 5G and beyond technologies, NFV, IoT, Cloud/Edge are the main enabling factors contributing to the digital transformation of our society. Their design, deployment and operation are critical, calling for a scientific instrument to support the research in this domain for computer science and infrastructure researchers, as well as for data driven scientific applications involving interdisciplinary aspects.
This workshop will focus on research challenges driving the evolution of Research Infrastructures to support scientists and researchers in the following fields:
• Advanced wireless networking,
• New Digital Infrastructures and hyper-converged infrastructures (Fog/Edge/Cloud),
• Artificial Intelligence and
• High Performance Computing.
The goal of this workshop is to explore the needs and requirements for future ICT research infrastructures that will support the research community with beyond state-of-the-art experimental facilities and guarantee high quality contributions to development of future ICT technologies.
The workshop will bring together decision and policy makers, Research Infrastructure stakeholders, industry representatives and research communities from Europe and outside with broad expertise in areas related to the discussion to establish better alignment and understanding of potential benefits to users from new ICT Research Infrastructures.
The specific objectives of the workshop:
• To provide a venue for researchers to share experiences and expectations for experimental research in the ICT field
• To identify key research directions for future Internet design and development and determine required functionality and features of new ICT Research Infrastructures
• To discuss and to address technological aspects in building future European digital Research Infrastructures
• To promote collaboration and research at the European level
The expected outcomes of the workshop:
• Better understanding of current limitations of existing research infrastructures
• Aligning research roadmaps and identifying critical challenges and needs for new ICT Research Infrastructures
• Effective sharing of knowledge and practices in support of the implementation of the new pan-European ICT Research Infrastructure
Background documents: SLICES_summary_workshop_2021
Download the Agenda:SLICES_workshop
This workshop is organised by the SLICES-DS project

“This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 951850”
Wednesday 3 March (CET)
- 2:00 – 2:15
- Introduction
- Serge Fdida, Sorbonne Université
- 2:15 – 3:00
- Keynote
- Chair: Andrea Passarella, CNR
- 2:15 – 3:00
- Federation, Generalisation, Heterogeneity or Edge v. In-Network compute?
- Jon Crowcroft, University of Cambridge
- 3:00 – 3:10
- 3:10 – 3:15
- International RIs
- Chair: Serge Fdida, Sorbonne Université
- 3:15 – 3:30
- 6G Ultimate Customizability Driven by Democratization
- Aki Nakao, University of Tokyo
- 3:30 – 3:45
- Q&A
- Aki Nakao, University of Tokyo
- 3:45 – 4:00
- The Road Ahead: An approach to Building an ecosystem for Beyond 5G to 6G Research
- Manu Gosain, PAWR Office
- 4:00 – 4:15
- Q&A
- Manu Gosain, PAWR Office
- 4:15 – 4:30
- Towards 6G, the European agenda
- Bernard Barani, DG CONNECT
- 4:30 – 4:45
- Q&A
- Bernard Barani, DG CONNECT
- 4:45 – 5:00
- Presentation
- David Fraboulet, French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation
- 5:00 – 5:15
- Q&A
- David Fraboulet, French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation
- 5:15 – 5:20
- Conclusion of day 1 / Wrap up
- Peter Van Daele, iMEC
- 5:20 –
- End of day 1
Thursday 4 March (CET)
- 9:00 – 9:05
- Scientific challenges
- Chair: Andrea Passarella, CNR
- 9:05 – 9:20
- On the road to 6G
- Ari Pouttu, University of Oulu
- 9:20 – 9:35
- Trusted data sharing and the responsible Internet
- Paola Grosso, Institute for Informatics at the University of Amsterdam
- 9:35 – 9:50
- On Scaling Testbeds and Sharing Insights
- Joerg Ott, Technische Universität München
- 9:50 – 10:05
- Autonomous Driving Slices: what SLICES can bring to Network AI research
- Dario Rossi, Huawei
- 10:05 – 10:20
- Q&A
- 10:20 – 10:30
- 10:30 – 10:35
- Socio Industrial perspectives
- Chair: Sebastien Ziegler, Mandat International
- 10:35 – 10:50
- Future business opportunities with Data and AI – what are the needs from perspective of the manufacturing industries?
- Thomas Hahn, Siemens AG
- 10:50 – 11:05
- Presentation
- Vania Conan, Thales Group
- 11:05 – 11:20
- Twinning Networks: On the Use and Challenges of Network Digital Twins
- Diego Lopez, Telefónica
- 11:20 – 11:35
- Q&A
- 11:35 – 11:50
- 11:50 –
- Infra, EOSC and ESFRI as pontential catalysts for SLICES
- Chair: Arturo Azcorra, IMDEA Networks
- 11:50 – 12:10
- The evolving landscape of ESFRI, eInfras and EOSC
- Liina Munari, Deputy Head of Unit – European Commission – DG CONNECT – CNECT.C1 Open Science and Digital Modelling
- 12:10 – 12:45
- Q&A
- 12:45 –
- Conclusion
- Bartosz Belter, PSNC
- 12:45 –
- End of day 2