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SLICES Academy

SLICES Academy is an ecosystem that supports the community towards the engagement of people to the new technologies of the future Internet. Through our services, we focus on enhancing the knowledge of researchers, continuous learning workers in the business and developers of testbed facilities in the most innovative fields of technology. Areas as networking, cloud computing, wireless connectivity and AI/ML, are covered by the SLICES academy platform. Please click the links below to navigate though our courses or the other offered services.

Training Events


Code Repository

SLICES National Roadshow

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EUCNC 2023 Workshop

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First Slices Summer School

Navid Nikein, Eurecom

E2E OAI/FlexRIC deployment (incl. remote demo using EURECOM’s SOPHIA-NODE clusters)

Manu Gosain, PAWR Office

PAWR nodes

Rafael Vicente Rosa, Intel

SD-Core and Aether

Sorbonne Université /Univ. of Thessaly

“Experiences from deploying the AETHER framework” (SU/UTH)

Raymond Knopp, EURECOM

SDR tools for experimentation: And Overview of the use of NI USRPs and emerging O-RU

Thien-Thinh Nguyen, EURECOM

3GPP 5G Core architecture (including illustrations with OAI 5GC)

Scoring the Terabit/s Goal: Broadband Connectivity in 6G
Deep Dive into Machine Type Communications Towards 6G
Localization and Sensing - Technologies, Opportunities and Challenges
Deep Dive into the 6G White Paper on Validation and Trials
6G Networking

GitLab is used by the SLICES-SC community to store the source code, the scripts, the configuration files and the technical documentation related to the execution of a given experiment. The GitLab code repository allows the reproducibility of the experiments run in the SLICES-SC testbeds.

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